I’m A Side Chick And Proud!

I’ve been around long enough to know not to put anything past anybody, at any given point……BUT this whole glorification of the sideline chick, side piece w/ a biscuit, or whatever terminology you choose for that second woman OR man that’s NOT the wife, fiancé, or serious mate, is utterly ridiculous. Since when was it okay to be “out” as the other woman?! I’m not in any way condoning cheating by saying stay hidden, but at least you can maintain a certain dignity by not allowing the world to know your secrets. How can a woman OR man knowingly okay someone to came and play in their grass or dig in their dirt and dip out to go and be with someone else of greater importance(in the cheater’s mind).

With the recent reports and accusations 😏 of pop-up baby mamas….I’m appalled that there is still not a greater respect for the sanctity of marriage and relationships by people that are in them so you can’t even be mad at the people on the outside of them.

What would you do if you found yourself in the Luda/D.Wade situation?

Open Letter to Myself

Happy New Year(my first post of the new year)!!  I will continue to Love More, Give more, and Do more.  I started this blog because I love writing and I have opinions, but it’s a hard thing to balance between being a mother to three and a wife.  I am committed to it & I am determined to post more.  Have a great day people!!!

Some things should NOT be purchased at the grocery store!

After nixing my seemingly daily stint at Wally World(yes, I know, some of you loathe the thought, but their prices are so in my families’ budget & I don’t mind the horrific service, if any at all) I decided to go to Publix, which I love from a distance after my recent visit. I usually go to my “neighborhood grocer” if I need “1” item at most but for some reason I was feeling rather bold and put “novelty” items in my suburban sized, kid friendly, car cart requested by Kingsley(my three year old), of course. Ten minutes of cruising down a few isles cost me $25 of which I only intended to spend….no more than $10 on no fewer than 3 items. The next time I get the courage to do a quick “run to the store, I’m going to make it worth my bucks, maybe not my time, but definitely a greater return on investing in my sweet tooth. I bet anyone I’ll spend $10 for no fewer than 5 items(of any kind) vs. $25 for no more than 3 items of every kind. Did I mention I am no good with numbers so my justification above May be skewed on that mere fact alone. Somebody…..anybody….teach me how to coupon(in my teach me how to dougie voice) please…..hello out there!!